Thursday, November 29, 2007

Tiger affairs

Recently i read an article on the state of tigers in india.

It states that our national animal is critically endangered to the extent that less than 1700 tigers are left in our country. Once upon a time India boasted of the highest number of tigers in the world. According to the report, only 4 years ago there were 3642 tigers officially.

Chhattisgarh is one of the main culprits. It had around 227 tigers 4 years back and now its left with only 26!! This is a very serious problem. Such things can happen only when the authorities are hand in glove with the poachers.

Our PM created the Tiger Task Force after reports of "Vanishing" tigers from the famed Ranthambore and Sariska tiger reserves. But the going will be certainly tough for the Task Force.

If something is not done in the near future regarding this, a day will come when our national animal will be a thing of the past. But we will be responsible for its extinction. Rapidly decreasing forest cover is also one of the main reasons.

I feel that lot of awareness is not being created for such issues. Such type of issues are put in the back burner. The government and in particular the ministry of forests in collaboration with the wildlife authority has to take serious note of this and something has to be done if we want our national animal to survive.

As our elders have said, "We have to live and let live". Nature is all about balance and care should be taken that it is not disturbed. A lot of damage has already been done. But if we don't do anything now, it will just get worse.

The tiger has to ROAR!!!


Rithesh said...

Welcome to the world of blogging.. thama sihi kahi mishritha mathugalinda ee jagavanu belagisi :)

In India we dont have a sophisticated wildlife protection force, we still use the age old rifles who place is actually in the museums. Did you know that Veerappan was a blessing in disguise for the wildlife in the Karnataka TN jungles, the presence of the STF during his time brought poaching levels to almost nill. But now that he is dead and STF is gone, the poachers are having a free run.

Abhishek said...

Whoaa!!! really? I never knew that fact. Interesting Boda.

Ravi Shukla said...

pretty interesting topic to pick for your new blog. Yeah I agree the tiger has to roar. What is disturbing is the tell-tale statistics about the complicity of forest officials with the poachers. But what can you say abt that, these small things are what give India its Low ranking "Transparency International" character :)

Btw keep blogging and you can expect comments from me on topica like these